Pesticide manufacturers seek immunity
Credit: Igor Krivosheev/BigStock Photo ID: 421347980

Pesticide companies' push to limit liability in Idaho thwarted

In a contentious battle at the Idaho Statehouse, bipartisan opposition defeated a bill that would have shielded pesticide manufacturers from liability lawsuits, but the agrochemical industry's nationwide campaign to limit liability continues.

Ian Max Stevenson reports for the Idaho Statesman.

In short:

  • Idaho state Sen. James Ruchti opposed a bill designed to protect pesticide manufacturers from lawsuits, citing the need for courtroom justice for those harmed by chemicals.
  • The bill's failure marked the start of a broader effort by pesticide companies like Bayer and Syngenta to avoid legal repercussions, including intense lobbying and public advertisements.
  • Similar bills were introduced in Iowa and Missouri, reflecting the industry's strategic efforts to secure legislative protection across multiple states.

Key quote:

“Ultimately it’s a question of, ‘If this is such a certifiably safe product, then why in the world would you need immunity from any liability?’”

— Jonathan Oppenheimer, Idaho Conservation League

Why this matters:

This issue addresses the tension between corporate interests and consumer safety in agricultural policy. The bill's failure marked the start of an aggressive, nationwide lobbying campaign by agrochemical companies. Read more: Glyphosate, explained.

About the author(s):

EHN Curators
EHN Curators
Articles curated and summarized by the Environmental Health News' curation team. Some AI-based tools helped produce this text, with human oversight, fact checking and editing.

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