biden's administration environmental regulations
Credit: Mark Dixon/Flickr

Biden's administration hurries to finalize environmental regulations before potential threats arise

Supporters fear the possibility of a second Trump presidency and the environmental regulatory rollbacks that would surely follow.

Robin Bravender, Kevin Bogardus, and Michael Doyle report for Politico.

In short:

  • The Biden administration is rushing to complete significant environmental rules to safeguard against potential reversals by a future administration.
  • These rules include measures on climate pollution from power plants, protections for endangered species, and ensuring federal employees are not subject to politically motivated dismissals.
  • The urgency is heightened by memories of the Trump administration using the Congressional Review Act to undo Obama-era regulations.

Key quote:

“They know this stuff cold. There are no impediments. It’s pedal to the metal time.”

- James Goodwin, a senior policy analyst at the Center for Progressive Reform

Why this matters:

This push to solidify environmental gains speaks to the fragile nature of environmental protections and the messy confluence of policy and governance. The outcome of these efforts influences national health outcomes, environmental safety and policy stability in the face of political change.

About the author(s):

EHN Curators
EHN Curators
Articles curated and summarized by the Environmental Health News' curation team. Some AI-based tools helped produce this text, with human oversight, fact checking and editing.

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