Biden administration green-lights massive oil terminal
Credit: FracTracker Alliance/Flickr

Biden administration green-lights massive oil terminal, sparking backlash

The Biden administration has sanctioned a vast oil terminal off Texas, drawing ire from environmentalists.

Matthew Daly reports for the Associated Press.

In short:

  • The Biden administration has greenlit a $1.8 billion deepwater oil export terminal off the Texas coast, set to be the largest in the U.S. with a capacity to load 2 million barrels per day.
  • Despite the Maritime Administration's assertion that the terminal meets critical environmental and national interest requirements, environmental groups have criticized the project for contradicting Biden's climate promises.
  • The terminal, expected to start operations by 2027, has faced criticism for potentially increasing greenhouse gas emissions and disregarding local community concerns.

Key quote:

“Nothing about this project is in alignment with President Biden’s climate and environmental justice goals,’'

— Kelsey Crane, senior policy advocate at Earthworks

Why this matters:

This decision juxtaposes the administration's clean energy ambitions against its actions favoring fossil fuel expansions, directly impacting both global climate policies and local environmental safety.

Related: LNG production comes with a price, Gulf Coast communities warn.

About the author(s):

EHN Curators
EHN Curators
Articles curated and summarized by the Environmental Health News' curation team. Some AI-based tools helped produce this text, with human oversight, fact checking and editing.

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